During molecular dynamics simulations it is often important to keep the temperature of the system constant. Different algorithms have been developed for thermostating. The first one I implemented was the Andersen thermostat. It doesn’t keep the energy of a system constant, so this thermostat is used for equilibration and initial stabilization of the temperature in microcanonical ensembles (NVE). But it can be used for simulation of a canonical ensemble (NVT). Also the Andersen thermostat can be used only for time-independent properties. At every integration timestep velocity of random particles is rescaled according to the Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics for the given temperature. Those random particles are chosen according to the Poisson distribution:

where is the stochastic collision frequency.

The way to construct an Andersen thermostat entity is straightforward:

thermostat = AndersenThermostat(0.02, T, kb)

Example of simulation

using DiffEqPhysics

T = 120.0 # °K
kb = 8.3144598e-3 # kJ/(K*mol)
ϵ = T * kb
σ = 0.34 # nm
ρ = 1374/1.6747# Da/nm^3
m = 39.95# Da
N = 1000
L = (m*N/ρ)^(1/3)#10.229σ
R = 0.5*L   
v_dev = sqrt(kb * T / m)
bodies = generate_bodies_in_cell_nodes(N, m, v_dev, L)

τ = 0.5e-3 # ps or 1e-12 s
t1 = 0.0
t2 = 3000τ

parameters = LennardJonesParameters(ϵ, σ, R)
lj_system = PotentialNBodySystem(bodies, Dict(:lennard_jones => parameters));
thermostat = AndersenThermostat(0.02, T, kb)
pbc = CubicPeriodicBoundaryConditions(L)
simulation = NBodySimulation(lj_system, (t1, t2), pbc, thermostat, kb);
result = @time run_simulation(simulation, VelocityVerlet(), dt=τ)

using Plots
t = t1:τ:result.solution.t[end-1]
temper = temperature.(result, t)
plot(t, temper, ylim=[0,200], xlabel="t, ps", ylabel = "T, °K", label="Temperature, °K" )

As was expected, the temperature of the system fluctuates near 120 picture for the andersen thermostating